Sunday, October 9, 2016

31 Days of Dracula- Day 9: House of Dracula

I have a problem with House of Dracula.  See the poster-->
You've got Frankenstein's Monster.
And Dracula.
And the Wolf Man.
And the Mad Doctor.
And the... nurse?

Oh, wait, she's billed as the Hunchback! because she does have one, yes.  But unlike the sympathetic but less than articulate Quasimodo, or the unsympathetic and won't shut up Daniel of House of Dracula or the cruel Fritz of the original Frankenstein... Nurse Nina just happens to be a hunchback; in fact, she's probably the most likeable character in the whole film.

That said, this isn't 31 Days of Nina the Hunchback Nurse.

John Carridine is back as Dracula, this time tortured by his existence, asking a scientist, Doctor Edelmann for assistance in curing his vampirism.  At the same time Larry Talbot, the Wolf Man, is in town, looking for a similar cure. 

Coincidentally, Edelman discovers Frankenstein's Monster.  Hilarity ensues.  (Oh, wait, that's the next film Abbot & Costello Meet Frankenstein).

Of course, Dracula can't help himself and he just has to seduce Edelmann's other nurse, the one without the hunchback.  Because Dracula.

Edelmann betrays Dracula, because Mad Scientist.

It's a workable enough Saturday Matinee movie, but not one I'll likely watch unless I'm binge watching the Universal Monsters movies again.

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