Saturday, October 15, 2016

31 Days of Dracula- Day 15: Universal Monsters: Dracula- Return of Evil

Well, here's a fun one.  The premise seems hatched out of committee, but whether Larry Mike Garmon was given the premise or came up with it on his own, Dracula: Return of Evil is a fun little jaunt by someone with obviously a deep affectation for the Universal Monsters.

In a nutshell:  Florida.  Universal Studios Orlando.  Experimental super duper dvd player.  Freak accident.  The classic monsters come to life and have to be captured and returned to the projector across a series of six books.

It's a kids book so the protagonists are all in their early teens with the standard Breakfast Club archetypes.  The monsters are menacing, but really only REALLY dangerous off camera.

What was really clever was releasing this at the same time they repackaged and re-released the movies in 2001.  Even if the casual reader wasn't familiar with the stories past the names, Dracual, Frankenstein,  the videos would be readily available at the local Blockbuster. Ah, marketing.

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