Sunday, October 16, 2016

31 Days of Dracula - Day 16: The Dynamite Monster Hall of Fame

This really is a a walk down memory lane, The Dynamite Monster Hall of Fame.  It's more of an overview of the classic movies of the genre, but it gets special attention because of the Lugosi Dracula on the cover, and he's give the first and longest chapter in the book..

There's the standard history and synopsis of the films, from Schreck to Lugosi to Lee, as well as an appreciation of Frankenstein, The Wolfman, and The Mummy among others.

Like the Crestwood House books, this is from 1977-78, which I'm wondering if it wasn't sort of a second wave of monster kids, not the ones who encountered the original Shock Theater and Famous Monsters, but  got to enjoy appreciations of the classic monsters from the first wave monster kids. 

There's an idea- I'll try and pursue it with future posts once October is over-and now, I'm done with Lugosi Dracula except for one more special post.  Next Week:  In Search of and Christopher Lee.

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