Tuesday, October 11, 2016

31 Days of Dracula- Day 11: Dracula is a Pain in the Neck

I had a three day series of pieces I'd planned on doing and it was going to be HUGE.  Best set of posts EVER.  You'd never seen such amazing posts... and there was a hiccup on the internet and I lost half the first post so I said screw it and I'm doing my second kid-friendly Dracula post instead.  I'll pick up on my original series in a few days.

Dracula is a Pain in the Neck is a kids book about Sam and his little brother Robert.  Robert's best friend is his Dracula doll, who he insists on taking with him to summer camp.  Robert has a special pillow for Dracula to sleep on. Robert takes Dracula VERY seriously:

"Dracula is not a doll...He's the king of all vampires, half man, half bat. He lives at night and he drinks people's blood."

Once they get to camp, there are mysterious goings on, things that seem to indicate that Dracula is real and alive and in the woods with the campers.  It's up to Robert to uncover the truth.

This is another "I would have loved this when I was a kid" thing.  It's a proper follow up after a early childhood viewing of the Bela Lugosi movie.

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