Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Attack of the Crab Monsters

As I was writing the post for Island Claws, it occurred to me that I haven't seen Attack of the Crab Monsters in... probably decades.

I remedied that thanks to Amazon Streaming.

There's a Joe Bob Briggs comment, when asked ,hsow many movies he'd seen,  he quotes a huge number (6,800 drive in movies) and that he'd gone to

"this one drive-in where they start at dusk and show twelve movies every night. And I said there ares't enough hours in the night time to see twelve movies...Joe Bob said 'You han't seen these movies.'"

At an hour and five minutes, this is one of those movies.

A joint navy - science team arrives on a Pacific island to investigate a missing research group.

The island is geologically unstable and there's talk about the impact of nuclear testing in the Pacific, which "explains" what happen to the previous team: crabs got them.  Not just any crabs. Carnivorous crabs that gain the knowledge of the people they've consumes.  As they've consumed scientists, they're clever crabs indeed.  Also, there pretty good mimics, replicating the voices of those they've consumed.

And arrogant as fuck.  Threatening the party, the crab tells them  "So, you have wounded me; I must grow a new claw.  Well and good, for I can do it in a day!  But will you grow new lives when I have taken yours from you?".  It doesn't call them "puny mortals" but that was some serious Doctor Doom level threatening there.

I realize Corman's movies are the big screen equivalent, or ancestors, of SyF surey originals, but they sure are a fun way to pass an overcast afternoon.

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