The Boy of A Thousand Faces by Brian Selznick is one of those books that I wish I'd had as a kid. "After the crowd lit their torches and chased the Phantom into the river, after the Hunchback met his death in the darkness of the tower, and after the Creature disappeared back into its black lagoon, Alonzo King went to bed."
Alonzo loves classic horror movies, has a favorite horror host- Mister Shadows- and wants to be the next Lon Cheney.
He's started working on his own collection of a thousand faces when he discovers that Mister Shadows died years ago- after sending him one of his make up Polaroids.

Soon the beast is spotted in town...

A special touch is one piece of make up that is only on the cover- the Weird-Oh! from Dick Smith's Monster Make Up. This was found on news stands and through ads in the back of Famous Monsters of Filmland.